As an HR administrator using isolved, you have the ability to print pay stubs for your employees. Pay stubs are important documents that provide employees with a detailed breakdown of their earnings and deductions for a specific pay period. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to print pay stubs for your employees:
Printing Individual Paystubs
To print individual pay stubs for employees using PayWhiz, follow these steps:
3. Click "Pay History"
4. Select the employee
5. Click on the stub you'd like to print
6. Click "View/Print Pay Stub"
7. The pay stub will open in a new tab in the browser. You will be able to print it or save as PDF.
Printing Multiple Paystubs at Once
If you need to print multiple pay stubs at once, you can use the Employee Paystub By Date Range report. Here's how:
1. Login to your isolved admin account
2. Click "REPORTING"
3. Click "My Reports"
4. In the "Search:" field type "stub"
5. Click "Filter"
6. In the "Employee:" field, type the name of the employee
7. Select the correct employee
8. Select the date range
9. Click "Generate Report"
10. Click "Go To My Reports Queue"
11. Click "View Report"
Remember to securely store and distribute pay stubs to ensure employee privacy and comply with applicable laws and regulations.